Just released: The State of Zoning for New Multifamily Housing in Greater Boston.
Researcher Amy Dain reports on two years of research into the regulations, plans and permits in the 100 cities and towns surrounding Boston. The research was commissioned by the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance and funded collaboratively with: Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association, Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Association of Realtors, Massachusetts Housing Partnership, MassHousing, and Metropolitan Area Planning Council.
- Short (10 slide) version of Amy Dain presentation on June 4, 2019, with selections/edited text by MSGA.
- PowerPoint presentation by Amy Dain on her multifamily research to legislators and advocates at the State House (June 4, 2019)
- Executive Summary, The State of Zoning for Multi-Family Housing in Greater Boston, by Amy Dain, Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance, et al (2019)
- Full Report, The State of Zoning for Multi-Family Housing in Greater Boston, by Amy Dain, Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance, et al (2019)
Other Reports
- The State of Zoning for Accessory Dwelling Units, by Amy Dain, Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance and the Pioneer Institute (2018)
- Voices from Forgotten Cities. Innovative Revitalization Coalitions in America’s Older Small Cities, by Lorlene Hoyt and André Leroux, PolicyLink and CHAPA (2007)
- Walkable Urban Places in Greater Boston, by Chris Leinberger and Patrick Lynch, LOCUS/Smart Growth America (2015)
- Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing, by the National Low-Income Housing Coalition (2017)
- Massachusetts Gateway Cities: Lessons Learned, by MassINC and Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution (2007)
- The Greater Boston Housing Report Cards for The Boston Foundation