URBAN.Boston, an emerging network of urban researchers and community members, is partnering with Viet Aid to host a café-style event for people to meet, discuss, and work in small groups on important local and community issues.
The event will be held 11am-2pm on Saturday, March 2, at the Vietnamese American Initiative for Development, 42 Charles Street in Dorchester.
To register, please send an email by February 22 and include your name, organization, title, phone, and email. Or, visit our Facebook page.
Event volunteers needed: We need people to facilitate round table discussions and take notes during the small group discussions. If you would be interested, please email URBAN.Boston graduate assistant Perri Leviss.
Urban Research-Based Action Network (URBAN) is an emerging network of researchers and community members who have come together to identify opportunities for collaborative research (and thinking) that addresses critical needs facing urban communities.